Flash Discourse: Open call for submissions as FLASH FICTION/SHORT-SHORT STORY

Open: Journal of Arts & Letters will consider submissions of flash fiction and short-short fiction to 1000 words.

Flash submissions may contain up to three titles. Each title may contain no more than 1,000 words, not counting its title, byline, and any epigraph. Include all titles in one document file. Start each title on a new page within the document. Submissions must be in one of the following file formats: .doc or .docx. Simultaneous submissions are accepted in this category with the understanding that O:JA&L will be notified promptly if a piece under consideration here is accepted elsewhere.

Previously published works are not accepted.

A cover letter should include the writer's contact information, the title/s of the work/s, and the writer's professional biography of up to 100 words in third person.

O:JA&L claims first international rights, first North American rights, and the right to archive the accepted works on its website and to consider them for inclusion in future collections and anthologies to be compiled and published by the O:JA&L imprint BUTTONHOOK PRESS.

All other rights revert to the author upon publication. OPEN: Journal of Arts & Letters asks to be identified as first publisher if published works are reprinted elsewhere.

“Expedited” consideration is available for a fee.

We use Submittable to accept and review our submissions.