Buttonhook Press/HOT BUTTON PRESS, imprints of OPEN: Journal of Arts & Letters. Open call for long prose manuscripts suitable for SERIAL PUBLICATION
O:JAL's imprints Buttonhook Press & HOT BUTTON PRESS
Open call for long prose submissions suitable for SERIAL PUBLICATION:
O:JA&L’s imprints Buttonhook Press and HOT BUTTON PRESS Contemporary Issues will consider long prose manuscripts of more than 30,000 words, fiction or nonfiction, organized for serial publication.
Submit the manuscript as a single document divided logically into sections of 10,000 to 12,000 words, more or less. Begin each section on a new page within the document and number the sections sequentially. .docx files are preferred.
Submitters should include an acknowledgments page if any part of the work has been previously published.
Follow other general O:JA&L guidelines that may apply. Simultaneous submissions are accepted in this category with the understanding that O:JA&L will be notified promptly if a piece under consideration here is accepted elsewhere.
A cover letter should include the writer's contact information, the title of the work, and the writer's professional biography of up to 100 words in third person.
O:JA&L and its imprints Buttonhook Press and HOT BUTTON PRESS Contemporary Issues claims first international rights, first rights in the Anglosphere, and the right to archive in perpetuity all published versions of the accepted manuscript on its website.
Expedited consideration is not available in this category.
O:JA&L editors will determine which O:JA&L imprint will release the title.
Manuscripts accepted for publication will be released to readers serially as free PDFs through the O:JA&L website and will enjoy limited distribution via Patreon as O:JA&L subscriber premiums. No ISBNs will be associated with these titles. Copyright for the PDF versions of these serialized publications and for the related proprietary files of both Buttonhook Press and/or HOT BUTTON PRESS Contemporary Issues will reside permanently with OJAL Art Incorporated, O:JA&L, and O:JA&L’s imprints Buttonhook Press, HOT BUTTON PRESS Contemporary Issues and with the writer. OJAL Art Incorporated, as OPEN: Journal of Arts & Letters (O:JA&L) and BHP/HBP, will provide to each writer of a published PDF manuscript a .docx file of that title suitable for use by most full service commercial printing houses and a free license to produce and distribute a printed version of the writer's published PDF work.
Long prose submitters may submit once during a calendar year.